
A variety of materials except vinyls, CDs and sheet music are displayed in this section.
Will be updated regularly, hope you visit here at intervals.

Update Information
24/05/02 Posters PART2 updated.
22/01/02 Posters from magazines PART1 updated.
19/01/02 Posters from magazines PART1
04/12/00 Top Hats And Tails (75 UK fan club materials)
27/10/00 Second Flight Promo Kit
22/08/00 Fan Club Kit (Feb.75, UK)

Fan Club Kit (Feb.75, UK)

paper folder(front)
paper folder(back)
iron transfer note1)

application form
press sheet (page1)
press sheet (page2)

promo photo note 2)
membership card (unused)

note1) The iron transfer was broken into pieces after 25 years. Only their hair and the Pilot logo
were able to be restored. Thanks to Mr.Tsuchiya who found the kit in his home town and send it
to me. And also my husband who made the pieces fit.

note2) There are 5 photos. Other four are indivisual black and white pictures and shown in
Library Door page (Chapter 1).